Kodiak Electric Association Data Visualization

Generation & Demand Graph

Sales Revenue Graph (2012-2017)

Information / How to use

The Kodiak Electric Association planned and implemented a 100% Renewable Energy system for the Kodiak Island Borough, and provided A World Bridge students with significant energy data, along with Operations & Maintenance information to share with the global community. This open sharing allows city and community administrators to understand the status of their assets, including strengths and weaknesses. 

How to Use: Select either a Generation & Demand Graph, or Sales Revenue Graph, then click on the “click here” button. The resulting charts are interactive, and you may select the “handles” on either side of the graph to expand or compress the data with respect to time.
Options to choose under Generation & Demand Graph :
 Hydroelectric Plant Power
 Production Wind Farm Power
 Production System Gross
 Production System Peak Demand

Options to choose under Sales Revenue Graph (2012-2017) :
 Commercial - Number of Consumers
 Commercial Sales
 Commercial - Revenue
 Industrial - Number of Consumers
 Industrial Sales
 Industrial Revenue
 Residential - Number of Consumers
 Residential Sales
 Residential Revenue